Linzie Hunter makes great art from spam and posts it on her flickr page. 

from "American Symbols" Ernst Lehner 1966
Most of the book is on Flickr.

from 1958, Ben & Ed Hunt. "101 Alphabets" More of the book on Flickr.

Vintage Volkswagen paint chip formulations. More at Flickr.

Skrift, by Eric Lindgren. 1960 ABC of Lettering.

The cover of More Power, Moving Ahead.
1974 Scott, Foresman & Co.
Illustrated by Bradford Cout Graphic Design.

from Little Boy Brown, 1949 Lippincott.
Illustrated by André François. More at Flickr.

Tasty Fudge, from Leonard Kessler. 1966.

The entire 1956 book by Rand Holub, here at Flickr.

by Wilfrid Bronson, 1943.

Two from Franz Seiwert.

from "All Kinds of Time" 1960 Harcourt Brace & Co. Illustrated by Harry Behm.

from "Introductory Animal Science" 1960 Lippincott, no illustrator credited. The rest of them here at Flickr.

from "Today's Basic Science" 1963 Harper & Row, no illustrator credited.
More on Flickr.

from "Mathematics for Individual Achievement"
1974 Houghton Mifflin, no illustration credits.
A more complete set is on Flickr.

by Alice & Martin Provenson, from the Golden Book "The Color Kittens"

from "Sounds Around the Clock" 1988 Holt Rinehart & Winston
Tissue paper illustrations by an uncredited Eric Carle.

from "My Little Brother", illustrated by Carole Kofod Butterfield, although I suspect the fireplace is done by an uncredited Eric Carle.

"Here Comes Jimmy, Here Comes Jimmy's Dog"
story by Harry Randolph Wayne
Illustration by "Cary"
1966 Holt Rinehart & Winston
from "Sounds Around The Clock" collection

Jimmy's dog ("Dog") follows him to school, and Jimmy calls Father to pick Dog up.
Obviously Father is not happy. I wonder if Dog "went to go live on a farm."

Talk about stereotyping.
I wonder if the M, C and H containers are marijuana, cocaine and heroin. The guy swimming - a "bracero" - is an undocumented migrant worker. From the web,
Generally speaking, the Latin American migratory worker going into West Texas is regarded as a necessary evil, nothing more or less than an unavoidable adjunct to the harvest season.... One might assume that he is not a human being at all, but a species of farm implement that comes mysteriously and spontaneously into being coincident with the maturing of the cotton..."
(Illustrator not credited.)
The inaugural posting to the new blog. Here you'll find maps, illustrations, diagrams and other assorted things I like. Some of this stuff is already on Flickr.